Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My exams are done. Phew!

It's weird, now that I don't have to worry about studying or any other school-related obligations, what will I do with my free time? Here are a few options:

1. Sleep
2. Read, for fun.
3. Catch up on TV shows
4. Sleep
5. Spend quality time with my family
6. Reunite with my friends from high school
7. Sleep
8. Write
9. Not worry about putting forth effort to look presentable
10. Sleep

Notice how many times I've mentioned sleep?

It doesn't sound like an exciting break, but a break is exactly what I need. I miss Leelanau County and Leelanau County misses me. Don't get me wrong, I love staying busy with school and being involved in extra-curriculars, and I love Grand Rapids with all my heart. But every now and then, I need to take time to just be myself. No obligations, no meetings, no classes, no worries. Everyone is entitled to a day of rest, even the Bible says so.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  ~ Matthew 11: 28-29


Monday, December 17, 2012

The blog is back!

Man, it's been a long time since I've been on here.

When I started this blog about a year ago , it was because I was going to travel abroad to Malawi, Africa (which I just realized that today is the one-year anniversary of when I received my acceptance letter!). I had so many different emotions and I needed to keep track of them! It definitely helped that my best friend was going on the trip with me, as well as my brother's news about moving to California that helped my parents not be as worried. I wanted to write down everything that happened to me before, during, and after my trip.
After I left Africa and told my story, it felt like this blog didn't have a purpose. I felt lost, confused, and had no idea why I was still writing.

This time, I'm not so sure why I'm re-starting. Part of me missed blogging and expressing myself in ways I wasn't use to (such as writing down my feelings and such). Another part of me is interested in developing my skills as a writer, especially since I will be working in Marketing or Advertising where there will be writing.

Now, back to the one-year anniversary thing.

Originally when I applied to Africa, I had no idea what made me want to go. Maybe it was my desire to study abroad (and be able to graduate on time). Maybe it was my need for adventure. Or maybe it was a sign that showed me how big the world really is. I mean, I went through 3 different continents to get there! I've stepped foot on nearly half of the world at this point. And my desire to see the world hasn't changed, in fact, it's gotten even bigger!

While I don't promise my posts will relate to Africa, or anything earth-shattering, I will promise to write on my blog for the sake of writing. Whatever is going on in my life, I will find a reason to write about it. This will not only help me develop as a writer, but also find a creative way to make my life sound more interesting and exciting.