Why Make This Blog?

I was thinking the same thing myself: why create a blog? My life can't be that interesting that I have to write everything down. Isn't that what a journal is for? I've tried to keep a journal, and the concept of having something so private hold so much personal information about you, it scared me. Besides, I like being able to write everything out and have others be able to read my thoughts (the ones I want to share at least).
1) I recently traveled to Malawi, Africa as part of a study-abroad experience. I wanted to write about what I was feeling before/during (which didn't work out as well due to the lack of Internet)/after my trip.
2) I wanted to be able to express myself. I tend to have a hard time speaking my mind, but with this blog, it'll be easier expressing what I'm feeling. I know that usually people complain about how others use social media to vent their problems, but this isn't about venting. It's more about talking about things on my mind that I can't necessarily say out loud.
3) Carpe Diem. I want to live my life to the fullest and what better way than letting others know about my life!