Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What about me?

It has been one of those weeks, well months, okay years, where it seems like everyone is being acknowledged for their hard work and life changing news: study abroad, interviews, awards, and engagements (lots of engagements).

Meanwhile, I'm just over here like "what about me"?
Don't get me wrong, I am happy for everyone. Especially since most of these accomplishments are for my family members and friends. However some of my disdain is from the fact that I feel neglected. It feels like I'm doing the exact same things (minus the getting ready to marry thing) and haven't been acknowledged. I've been working hard, getting good grades, and all that jazz. A little recognition would hurt would it? It feels like I'm getting bitter.

Man I hate that word: bitter. Ever since one of my managers refer to me as being bitter I vowed to never let anyone call me that again. It sounds like a term someone would say to someone who's old and hates life. And I'm not old, I'm still in my 20's! And here I am, referring to myself as bitter, which needs to stop.

Maybe the reason why I want to stay so involved is because I want to be noticed? Which isn't a bad thing, but that can't be the only reason right? Sometimes service and hard work in itself is rewarding enough. Looking back on last year, I've done a lot of things I should be grateful for that have put me in the spotlight, such as being able to travel to Africa. A lot has happened in my life already, and I don't need some title or award to prove my worth. 

I sometimes forget that I'm not in control of my life; God is. I need to be grateful for what He has given me, and what He has allowed me to do.  He must have a greater plan for me, something that can't be measured by a piece of paper or a new title to add to my resume.

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. ~ Philippians 4: 11-12