Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Balog vists Africa

Day 4
We accidentally set the wrong time zone for my alarm, so instead of waking up at 8:30 am we woke up at 7:30 am. It also didn't help that the roosters wouldn't shut up. Instead, we got up, ate breakfast, and sat and read while we waited for everyone else to wake up. The Pastor was having a morning church service, and he invite us to join. We declined, but those who did attend greeted us and treated us like ladies, which was much appreciated! One of them commented that they loved my name "Jennifer" and thought it was beautiful. Coming from a country where it's a pretty common name, it was a nice comment that I truly appreciated!

Just as everyone was starting to wake up, we started the tour of the Nkhoma Village where we were staying at. Unfortunately, that didn't include me. All the traveling I did in the past few days finally caught up to me. I felt dizzy, couldn't keep my eyes open, and I was unusually pale (much much paler than usual, and that's saying something!) So I had about a 4 hour catnap while everyone explored the village. I was sad I missed out, but health always comes first. Plus we'll have several days in the village anyway, so I can explore the area later.
And a nap was exactly what I needed! After eating lunch, our group visited a nearby village and met the chief. Most of the girls in my group noticed our former college president Balog made an appearance in Africa from my shirt. We wanted to give the kids suckers (or lollipops, whichever you prefer). Candy is simply known as sweets there. As soon as we broke out the suckers, the kids wanted more!

It was heartbreaking seeing these kids. It was very evident how poverty was affecting their lives. There was a little boy who didn't have decent pants; there were holes in the bottom of them so when he sat, he was sitting pretty much butt-naked.
Our translator/tour guide was fantastic with the kids! Not only did they understand English, they were reciting Bible verses and singing songs with us. Not to mention, these kids can dance. We played a game called Goat and Hyena, which is basically tag. The Hyena is "it" and the Goat is being chased (I got to be the Goat), and everyone else stands in a circle and tries to stop the Hyena from getting the Goat. I didn't realize how out of shape I was, lol.

And of course, the day wouldn't be complete without an American girl's favorite pastime: shopping! We found some great souvenirs from a local merchant and his wife. Unfortunately, we kinda forgot about the bus and it left without us, but luckily we were close enough to walk back to our village no problem. If we were thinking, we should've converted our American money into Kwacha (their form of currency) so we wouldn't have to bug our "mom" Professor Mboko with paying our bills. Whoops.....

*Sorry it's been a while since I last updated: I've had this nasty migraine for the past few days. I went into the doctor's yesterday and they ran a few tests. (Luckily my bloodwork is fine, just waiting to hear back from a few other tests). Nothing to be alarmed about, but I just wanted to reassure you I'm still alive, just insanely tired!