Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can we visit Mozambique too?

Sorry for the delay in my posts, I just started work again and it's been crazy! But that's how it is where I work: I work during the holidays so you don't have to.....
Anyway, here's what happened on Friday!

Day 6
Gearing up for a 4 hour-long bus ride. Ugh, can we just travel by map instead?
On our way there, we had a few last minute stops. I got to visit a private primary school with a few of the girls in the morning to drop off books and school supplies (this is the school they went to when I had to miss out on Wednesday). They were so polite and cute!

I know one thing, when I get back to Michigan I will miss seeing these everyday. But at least I have Lake Michigan! About half-way through our trip (and through many steep turns and hills I might add), we stopped at the Kungoe Cultural Center. Pictures weren't allowed, which makes sense since they want to preserve their culture. I did learn some very interesting things though:
~ when the males were being circumcised, loud drums would play to block out their screaming
~ A beautiful women in their culture has (in order): a big butt, curvy bust-line, and a pretty face

After a long bus ride, we finally made it to Mangochi! And we finally got to see Lake Malawi. You could see Mozambique on the other side. Sadly, we couldn't swim in the lake because it was really dirty (it's mainly used for bathing and laundry, no surprise) and there are border issues with Mozambique. With us being Americans, I have a strong feeling we would be questioned and possibly detained, and that's the last thing we want!