Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cheerio London!

Day 2

After a long, bumpy flight over the Atlantic Ocean for 7+ hours, I was not in the mood to be nice. Our layover in London was cut short, by about 4 hours, which meant we had only 7 hours in London, and we couldn't leave the airport. We were very upset, but Lisa Zimmerman brought up a good point: we paid to visit Malawi, not London. I will visit London again one day, but when I have more time so I'll be able to truly appreciate it.
And trust me, we needed the time we had in London just to navigate the airport! It was quite a challenge trying to steer our luggage carts through the airport. And apparently, the airline we were booked to travel didn't want to transfer our luggage, and while we were checking in our flight it didn't say our transfer flight wasn't valid. Oh do I love airports.....
On the plus side, I bought my first legal drink while in London! It was weird, because usually if you drink underage you don't have a say in what you want to drink, someone buys for you and you accept. But it was nice knowing that I could enjoy it without worrying about the law, since I was actually of age. Meh, it's going to feel like an eternity until I turn 21 in December :(
Now how to spend the time in London during out layover, that is the question..........
Most people slept; as for me, I was reading and trying to get in contact with my mom to reassure her I was still alive. I managed to connect on the Internet and send her a quick text and update my Facebook page. I came to a realization: this was probably the first time I was truly grateful for having Facebook. I was using it for what it was suppose to be for: connecting with those I care about. I'm not totally dependent on technology, but there are sometimes when I wish it would just work in my favor. Not having the Internet or cell phone reception will be a good cleanse and should remind me of how lucky I am to have technology.
We got to play tourist in the airport. It was pretty obvious we were Americans, but who cares? I gotta tell you though, actually hearing a British accent in person really makes me wish I had one! I did a little souvenir shopping, but have yet to find any Olympic apparel, fingers crossed!