Monday, June 11, 2012

Mistaken Identity

I got a bill on Saturday. No surprise since I'm in college. However, this bill was quite the opposite of what I expected....
It said I owe $1,000 to the EMT service for a car fire they put out in mid-April in my hometown of Traverse City. There are several things wrong with this:
1. I wasn't in Traverse City at the time, I was in Grand Rapids
2. My car isn't registered under my name, let alone I don't have it anymore
3. I don't recall ever being in an accident where my car caught on fire.....
They billed it to the wrong Jennifer Kalchik. Weird right? Not exactly; there's a girl in my hometown who has the exact same name I do! Same initials and everything. She's a little older than I am, but honestly, what are the odds?
Now I have to be careful whenever I apply for a job or need to use my credit score, otherwise, people might confuse us again! I don't know how to handle this exactly, other than say "Hey so you know, there's a girl who has the exact same name I do from my hometown, and she's done a few bad things. But trust me, it's not me!" Doesn't it sound a little suspicious?

And while I have your attention: you may have noticed I haven't been updating my blog as much as usual. Blame the slow Internet connection. And honestly, I've been slammed with so many different projects, not to mention work and class. I will make it my goal to update at least once a week, hopefully more.