Thursday, July 26, 2012

3 words

Happy 100th post! I can't believe how much my blog and I have been through since I first started in December.
I want to introduce a new mini-series of posts. I feel that while I blog, some of you may not know me as well as you want. So, every week I will ask a question (or answer a question if anyone has one for me) in the hopes you'll get to know me better! Here it goes:

If you had to describe yourself with only 3 words, what are those three words and why:

Colorful: I love bright, fun colors. This also describes my personality because I'm usually very positive and bubbly when I'm with the right crowd.

Creative: My mind tends to wander and I have all these ideas. I love art and being able to use my brain.

Optimistic: I will admit, life isn't always fair. But I try to see the brighter side of any situation, as well as look for a silver lining in each situation.

