Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I don't mind the company of others, in fact, if I may say so, I have some great friends and family. However, moments when I can be by myself and do what I want sometimes seem more appealing.
Based on the Myers-Briggs tests, I fall somewhere in-between being an introvert and an extrovert. Maybe I'm an introverted extrovert? Or an extroverted introvert?
Some people may think I'm being anti-social, especially when I'm at home for the summer. I don't go out as much and I usually don't mind staying in at night rather than getting drunk or wasted every night. Most of the kids in my class got on my nerves in high school! I needed time away from them. I didn't want to spend every waking moment with them, and some things don't change, even when I come home from college. Most of my friends are still talking with each other and haven't really branched out or changed for the better. Of course there are a few exceptions, but I left Leelanau County for a reason, and I want to keep it that way. And let's be honest, partying every waking moment and seeing the same people doing the exact same thing can get old after a while. And most of my habits haven't changed since I started college, except that I found some great friends who are like me and like a little privacy.
Unfortunately, most people don't understand my need for solitude or privacy at times. It's not that I'm mad or depressed (and I'm not writing about this because I'm mad or depressed), and definitely not anti-social, just broke and in need of time for myself. Many people wonder why I don't go out more often or why I need privacy and silence. I love just being at home with my cats and dogs, curled up reading a book, watching movies, or catching up on TV shows. I'm looking forward to having my own room next fall; it'll be the first time since I started college (well, not counting at home at least).
This doesn't mean you'll find me at home every night keeping to myself. I love hanging out with others, but there are times when I need to not talk, not think of something witty to say, and not worry about trying to impress anyone. Call it a "mini-retreat", I like to take time to reflect and be able to let my mind wander without limitations. So, whether I'm an introverted extrovert, or an extroverted introvert, all I ask for is respect and a little privacy.