Sunday, January 15, 2012

About time for a new post right?

Sorry it's been a while since my more recent post....stupid technology. I finally got my computer back after about a month in the repair shop. Better late than never? Well, I'm still missing part of it (aka the power cord) but it's all good!
I've been back at Aquinas for about a week and it's definitely much better than last semester. New roommates, new schedule, and more importantly, a new year! I'm so glad to be back here and be with all my friends again. I got to go exploring in Downtown GR last night (attempt to ice skate at Rosa Parks Circle was a bust) but that didn't stop us! We ended up going to TGI Friday's and meeting an awesome host! I very much enjoyed my "quadruple date" with Christian, Patti, and Rachel. (Credit is due to Marin Haffey who took pictures, which I seriously need to work on)
Sunday was a little less uneventful, other then I found out that one of my friends from high school is taking the same summer class at community college that I am! It'll be nice to see a familiar face as well as get my nasty science credit done and over with. I think the best part of my weekend though was getting a text from my big brother who's out in California that says "Miss you little sister :) " I miss him too, but knowing that he's thinking of me means a lot.