Monday, January 30, 2012

Keep Calm and Have Faith

Lately I've seen a bunch of images and renditions of "Keep Calm and Carry On". I will admit, I have one of those shirts. It's from a Team Starkid concert I went to in November with my friends Marissa and Rachel. In case you can't see it in the picture, it says: "Keep Calm and Tour Space"
What brought me to this topic was actually something a little different than wanting to tour space. But, let's admit it, how awesome would that be?????
Lately I've been questioning what I want to do with my life. I've had a hard time really deciding on one major (or minor, or dual major or dual minor). I thought maybe it was because I wasn't sure if I chose the right path or if I was being too stubborn by ruling out science all together, that kind of stuff. Everyone I know it seems like has figured out what they want to do with their lives and seems happy with their choices. Me, not so much.
Originally, my parents wanted me to go to medical school or become an accountant (if you just saw my last post, you'll see why I hate these options). I wanted to become either an artist or an actor, but they're so competitive and let's be honest: I'm not that strong of an actress to get the parts or that great of an artist to have people wanting to pay for my works.
So I compromised: Marketing and Communication. That way, I can still be creative AND hopefully get a job. I'm still not set exactly on this plan, but if worse comes to worse, I can always go back to school. And hopefully when I go to Malawi in a little more than three months (I know right?!?!!?!?) I'll have a better idea of what I want to do with my life. My math teacher from high school says she has three phases in her life: her English phase, her Math phase, and recently her Art phase. Even though I'm fairly positive she hated me I still want to aspire to be like her (sort of, maybe not wear the jean jumper dresses she has).
In the end, I can't let fear control my life forever. I'm quite fearful of things in life. I fear of conflict, I fear of heights, I fear of snakes, I fear of embarrassing myself, I fear I'll ruin my reputation if I do something stupid, and on and on and on. I need to learn to not only trust God and others, but also trust myself and have faith that I can do anything in life that I want to and it will be okay.