Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Cab & The Summer Set & Paradise Fears Oh My!

On Friday February 3rd me and my friends Patti and Rachel decided to road-trip to Ponitiac, Mi. While the drive there wasn't bad at all (thank heavens for no snow!), the area of Pontiac that the concert was in was, well, very shady. The town looked worn down, old, and not a good place to be at the time.

After about two hours of waiting in line, with the sore feet and frost-bitten toes I might add, we met up with some of my friends from college who arrived later. We decided to stand in the balcony rather than in the general admission area. At first I was hesistant, but it was nice because no one was pushing us arround, we could set our stuff down, and we had a great view that no one was blocking (keep in mind I'm not the tallest person).
The first band we saw was Paradise Fears. They've been touring recently with All Time Low and it showed by their stage performance. I met the singer in August at an All Time Low concert while waiting in line and, well, I fell in love. I have their CD so I was able to sing along. And their cover of "Stereo Hearts", to die for!
The second band was Days Difference. I've never heard of them before, but they also did a fantastic job! My favorite part was watching this giant rubber duck surf through the crown. It probably wasn't the safest to be down there during the time, but it was quite entertaining to watch. And if I may add, their guitar player was very good looking!
The third band was He is We. Again, I've never heard of them before, but they were also good. It took me a second to realize that their guitar player was a guy and not a girl (sometimes it's hard to tell, especially since his hair was quite long). I'm definitely going to listen to more of their music.
Of course, the main reason why I went to Pontiac in the first place was The Cab. I first heard them live in August at an All Time Low Concert. In September they performed live at Rosa Parks Circle as part of Art Prize. I fell in love with them officially there. I even got a picture with some of the band members! They're very down to earth, have great music, and are all around just a great band! During one of their songs, a fan faints and the lead singer stops singing, goes into the crowd, carries her out of the crowd and makes sure she's okay. I was lucky enough to get a video of it! (Blogger is being a pain and won't let me upload it so check out my Facebook page to see it!)

The final band to perform was the Summer Set. The lead singer was originally from Pontiac, which explained what all the hype was for. They were decent, but I feel the other bands were much much better. It just wasn't what I was expecting from them.

In the end, it was well worth waiting in line for two hours in the cold in a not-so-safe area. It's these kind of memories I've made with my friends that I will remember for the rest of my life. After the concert I had the chance to meet with Alex, the main singer from The Cab and I got a picture with him. It's that kind of dedication that shows the band is truly dedicated to his fans.