Friday, February 17, 2012

New look, new post...who knew?

For those who know me you know I like change. I don't want things to look the same after a while. Whether it means recently dyeing my hair red, the debate of whether or not to get a tattoo and what of, updating my wardrobe, redesigning my blog, you name it!

But there are some things that change in my life that I wish I wouldn't need to change. The easiest way to deal with change is if you're the one who initiates it. Unfortunately, life doesn't always let you change what you want. I think one of the reasons why I think about change so much is because I don't want to be viewed like everyone else, getting a stereotype I don't deserve.

I grew up in an area where everyone knew everything about everyone, and while it was nice how you could go somewhere and everyone knew your name, some things should've been kept to yourself and some things I just didn't care about. It's not so much different being at Aquinas; everyone knows everything about everyone. It also didn't help growing up in the shadows of my older brothers, and having said shadows follow me to college.

During my senior year of high school, I had to find a bible quote that I wanted people to remember me by, and I still live by this quote. It's from Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

As long as I'm my own person and I realize this, I hope people realize that I'm not trying to be anyone but me when I change and that I'm my own person. True, I get inspired to change by some people, but it's to help me figure out my own identity.