Monday, February 13, 2012

Prague, why not?

It's almost time for Hell Week, aka Tech Week for those who know Theater. While I have another week, I'm taking the time to enjoy what little freedom I'll have for the next few weeks. First off, I dyed my hair red, which is the first time I've done so. It'll be interesting to see what life is like as a ginger. (Pics coming up soon I promise!)And after a long week of fundraising for Malawi, it turned out to be quite the success. We got many donations and talked with some people who were not only interested in the program, but also supported us all the way. One person thought it was Haiti we were fundraising for (sadly mistaken) and one person actually visited Malawi a few years back!

With all this talk about traveling abroad, not only is it getting me more excited to visit in May, but it has also got me thinking of other possible places for me to visit in my lifetime. One of them is Prague.
Prague is the largest city and the capital of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic, as well as Slovokia, use to be one country called Czechslovokia, kind of a mouthful. My families originated from the former Czechslovokia in the region of Bohemia, which I usually say I'm Bohemian or Czech rather than Czechslovokian since that country no longer exists. Other than being Bohemian I'm also French and German, but Bohemian sounds much cooler to brag about.
One of my professors brought up that Aquinas might be doing a month study-abroad trip to Prague, and not very many people seemed excited, shame on them. I think this would be a great opportunity for Aquinas to not only gain more study abroad programs, but also to visit the less common areas of Europe compared to Ireland, Germany, etc.
Unfortunately with my expenses for Malawi I will not be applying, but I support the idea 100% and Prague is definitely on my bucket list to travel to before I die.