Monday, February 27, 2012

What would you like to know about me?

I remember participating in those 30 Picture Challenges over Facebook and thought it would apply well to my blog. Usually I have some sort of idea of what to blog about, but lately it feels more like rambling. And I want to be able to write about any topic that's given to me. But I'm only going to use it in case I can't think of something to write about. This is one of those days.

A photo of yourself and 15 facts

1) I love hats and scarves. I can never have enough (although the space available in both my room and closet beg to differ, lol)
2) Although I'm right handed, how I write is how a left-handed person should write. Which is why if you see my handwriting I tend to smear a lot.
3) I love playing sports more than watching them. My personal favorites are volleyball (to play) and basketball (to watch).
4) I make my own jewelry.
5) I've lived on a cherry and apple farm for my entire life.
6) I love getting dressed up and looking my best, but I never sacrifice for comfort or for price.
7) I want to get a tattoo(s) someday. I'm working on a possible design for two events coming up in my life: my trip to Malawi, Africa and my 21st birthday
8) As mentioned in #7, I will be going to Malawi, Africa in May. While there, I will be studying Social Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries with 8 other students from Aquinas College, including my best friend Rachel!
9) I have two older brothers: Mike is 23 and is working at the Oakland A's in Oakland, CA, while Brian is 21 and is a student at Aquinas College, where I currently go to school.
10) I'm a double major in Communication and Business Administration with a Marketing Concentration. I've changed my major and minor options maybe 10 times at the least.....
11) I love Disney. I hope to work for them someday, or something media/entertainment related.
12) Some of my favorite music right now includes: The Cab (pictured with me above), All Time Low, We Are The In Crowd, Every Avenue, Lady Antebellum, Zac Brown Band, Rascal Flatts, Miranda Lambert, Paradise Fears, etc.
13) I'm at the point of my life where I want a niece or nephew really badly
14) I work at a local pizzeria during the summer when I'm not in school
15) I love Harry Potter. When I first got onto Pottermore, I was sorted into Hufflepuff (completely blindsided by this at first! I always pictured myself in Gryffindor).