Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day at Ihop

Happy Leap Day! A day that only happens every four years. I wonder what would happen if you were actually born on Leap Day......Anyway, yesterday was National Ihop Pancake Day. If you went in at a certain time, you got free pancakes. Unfortunately me and my group went right after they stopped serving them, but that didn't stop us! I had a great time with Zander, Rachel, Patti, Marissa, Christian, Bernadette, Zach, and Anastasia (she's my birthday twin!).

I'm quite proud our menu tower didn't collapse
Zach and Bernadette with our tower
Rachel and Patty playing patty cake while we wait for our food

My pancakes! The waiter forgot to put my order through by accident, but extra whipped cream they gave me definitely made up for it!
This was such a fun break from studying for midterms (luckily I didn't have any but it's still been a long week nevertheless). On our way out we played Leap Frog (which made since because it's Leap Day). We decided to make this a new tradition to visit Ihop before Midterms and Finals each semester. After having most of my nights consumed with Arab/Israeli Cookbook, I forgot what it was like to have a life again :)
Also one other update: I will be a part of my first college production in April! It will be a traveling children's theater show called Operation Play. Stick around for more details as they come!