Friday, January 20, 2012

Don't let the weather deceive you

TGIF! It's been a long week and I'm so glad it's the weekend. Not only because there's no classes but also it's a nice break to just be inside and not do anything or brace the bitter cold.
It snowed for the first time last week (well, snowed and actually stayed I should say). It finally felt like winter in Michigan, especially at Aquinas College.

My favorite part about going to Aquinas is the seasonal changes and how different the campus looks with each change. It reminds me of being in Narnia.
Of course, even with this gorgeous weather it comes with a price. First, driving in the winter. It's freaking terrifying and especially when you can't see two feet in front of you. I don't know why but people drive like idiots whenever snow hits. I think they think they're "above the weather" or something like that. But then again, people drive stupid no matter what the weather is like.
Speaking of driving, it brings up my next point, shoveling off my car. It's like a process now: you start your car, you brush off the snow, you scrape off the ice (which in my opinion takes the longest) and THEN you can actually go somewhere. And it's even worse when your car doors are frozen shut. I can't even get into my car right now because all the doors are frozen shut :/
And lastly, the temperature. If there was a way that it could still snow outside and not be below 40 degrees, then I would actually like the winter. When it's in the single digits or below zero temperatures, then's it's too much.
But I will admire the beauty of winter, walk through Narnia (er, I mean Aquinas), go sledding, drink hot chocolate, ice skate, and somehow unfreeze my car doors so I can drive and hopefully not go in the ditch. That's what winter is to me.