Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ah, the old alma mater

Today I went back to my old high school, Lake Leelanau St. Mary. Luckily I wasn't the only alumni student there so it wasn't as awkward. It was definitely weird going back because I spent thirteen years at that school. If I learned anything from today is that I'm grateful for where I grew up, but I don't want to go back there AT ALL.
My graduation a few years ago

I don't miss the ugly uniforms we had to wear, I don't miss the caddy drama of high school, the stuck up classmates, and I don't miss the cafeteria food (although food-wise the situation hasn't really improved).

It was a very surreal moment for me. I only went to that school straight through from pre-school to senior year of high school. With how small the school was everyone knew everything about everyone, and there was no privacy. Usually people say how you just need to find your group of friends, but that's hard to do with a class size of 23 and a high school of less than 70.

I did survive. I'm not the best at keeping up with my classmates or friends from high school. But when I do see them, it's like we never left. I recently saw some of my friends from high school. It was like we never went our separate ways. Even though we don't talk with each other as much, I know our friendship will last. We've all moved on to bigger and better things. I'm not exactly thrilled about my high school experience, but I won't forget it because it's what helped make me the person I am today.