Friday, January 27, 2012

Another pin?

Lately I've been obsessed with Pinterest. I've tried a few of the pins I've seen, from how to tie scarves to healthy snacks. Today was no different.
I found this wrap online and had to try it! Although the girl who originally posted it was commenting on how this year she wasn't going to be fat no more (even though she wasn't anywhere close to being fat). I wanted to try the recipe, but everytime I visited her blog I just got mad because she kept complaining about her body and how this recipe was "too heavy for her delicate figure" Anyway, I thought I should post it without the winy details of the original blogger.
PB&J with SB&G Flatout Wrap
1 Flatout® Light Flatbread
1 Tbs reduced fat peanut butter
1 Tbs sugar-free jam
2 strawberries, hulled and sliced
1/4 banana, cut in half lengthwise
2 Tbs low fat granola
Spread peanut butter evenly over entire Flatout. On one rounded end, spread jam. Layer strawberry, banana and granola. Roll, cut and enjoy!
And here's what it looks like (before wrapped up!):
I'm not too picky with details or proportions normally, but I can see why they had it. I probably loaded it a little too heavy to keep wrapped up without spilling. But luckily, definitely tasted amazing!