Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day at Ihop

Happy Leap Day! A day that only happens every four years. I wonder what would happen if you were actually born on Leap Day......Anyway, yesterday was National Ihop Pancake Day. If you went in at a certain time, you got free pancakes. Unfortunately me and my group went right after they stopped serving them, but that didn't stop us! I had a great time with Zander, Rachel, Patti, Marissa, Christian, Bernadette, Zach, and Anastasia (she's my birthday twin!).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Who are we? AQ!

I finally got a confirmation e-mail for the Orientation Team for 2012. My freshman orientation was definitely something to remember: meeting my roommate for the first time, Project Unite, my first weekend at college, etc.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What would you like to know about me?

I remember participating in those 30 Picture Challenges over Facebook and thought it would apply well to my blog. Usually I have some sort of idea of what to blog about, but lately it feels more like rambling. And I want to be able to write about any topic that's given to me. But I'm only going to use it in case I can't think of something to write about. This is one of those days.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Do Not Be Afraid

Happy Sunday! Not only is it the last performance of Arab/Israeli Cookbook, but also the last week of classes before Spring Break. Not only does this mean March is getting closer and I'll have a life again, but it also means that my trip to Malawi is getting closer and closer as we speak. We haven't technically started the actual class for this Study Abroad trip, but we didn't realize how much details were needed to be figured out before we traveled. And thank god we did!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thirteen reasons for Lent

As promised, here is a picture of me with red hair. I'm still getting use to it, but I've received many compliments on the color so I think I'll keep it for a while. One thing that was a little hard to adjust to was that some colors of clothes look very strange with my new hair color. And also the sly comments about gingers not having souls, for which I'm starting to feel offended by these comments.

Monday, February 20, 2012

No longer sick of home

There was a saying I would always point out during the summer: I'm not homesick, I'm sick of home. I've been living in the same area my entire life. An area famous for cherries and most recently, the Sleeping Bear Dunes, it's a beautiful area to grow up. I've only moved once, and that was only down the street to my grandparents old house. The area I live in, Leelanau County, is absolutely gorgeous there's no question. Each season has it's unique perks.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I think I need a Pepsi...

Wake Up People! This is one of the biggest events at Aquinas College, and since it's the 125th birthday, this year was no exception. Simply put, it's an event sponsored by Pepsi with complimentary food from vendors, live music/entertainment and the exciting conclusion to “AQ Idol,” the annual campus talent competition.

Friday, February 17, 2012

New look, new post...who knew?

For those who know me you know I like change. I don't want things to look the same after a while. Whether it means recently dyeing my hair red, the debate of whether or not to get a tattoo and what of, updating my wardrobe, redesigning my blog, you name it!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Around the World in 80 Days

In 80 days I will leave for Malawi. No big deal or anything. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm freaking excited!!!! This was one of the reasons I decided to resurrect my blog in the first place. There's just so much to be happy about today:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Prague, why not?

It's almost time for Hell Week, aka Tech Week for those who know Theater. While I have another week, I'm taking the time to enjoy what little freedom I'll have for the next few weeks. First off, I dyed my hair red, which is the first time I've done so. It'll be interesting to see what life is like as a ginger. (Pics coming up soon I promise!)And after a long week of fundraising for Malawi, it turned out to be quite the success. We got many donations and talked with some people who were not only interested in the program, but also supported us all the way. One person thought it was Haiti we were fundraising for (sadly mistaken) and one person actually visited Malawi a few years back!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jeremiah 29:11

Lately I've been evaluating my life and what the future has in store for me. I feel like I'm so behind compared to everyone else. It seems like I was missing on that one day when everyone decided what they wanted to do with their life.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Three months and counting

I've realized that I haven't been posting as much about Malawi as I should be. Shame on me! This officially begins the countdown until I go to Malawi, which is three months!!!!! Oh, and I found out we're possibly stopping in London, England, and Johannesburg, South Africa, on our way there. I've met the other girls back in January and we've been planning what exactly we want to do in Malawi, as well as learn of the pre-cautions we need to take (i.e. shots and anti-malaira pills, yippie).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Cab & The Summer Set & Paradise Fears Oh My!

On Friday February 3rd me and my friends Patti and Rachel decided to road-trip to Ponitiac, Mi. While the drive there wasn't bad at all (thank heavens for no snow!), the area of Pontiac that the concert was in was, well, very shady. The town looked worn down, old, and not a good place to be at the time.