Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April showers

Well you know what they say: April showers spring May flowers! Oh boy did it rain this morning. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my rain boots and had to trek all across campus this morning. But luckily my brother was nice enough to bring me my rain boots and a pair of dry pants because everything I was wearing was soaked. Thanks big brother! After today I've learned my lesson: no matter what the weather is outside in April, always bring an umbrella and wear your rain boots. I mean it is Michigan after all....
It's been insane these past few weeks, luckily I don't have anymore exams until Finals week, but I have sooooo many projects and papers due. I just registered for my classes next semester on Sunday night (don't even get me started on registering for classes at Aquinas, MyAQ is such a pain!), unfortunately I have four night classes, but my days are mostly free, so it's time I find another job. And my schedule is successfully planned in preparation for my 21st birthday this December :)
May seriously cannot come sooner. It'll be nearly a month until I hop across the pond for the first time and I'm so excited!