Thursday, April 26, 2012

This just got real

I decided to take a mini-break from blogging so I can sort out what exactly I need to do to be able to pass all my classes, which means studying, a ton.
But the days are dwindling down; tomorrow, I will be in the single digits until I leave for Africa! It's hard to believe. I just got my International Student ID yesterday, and my group is already packing.
I've been asked to provide an interview. Some of the questions are pretty basic, such as major, how are you involved on campus, how did you hear of the program, year, etc. But some questions I really need to think about: why did you want to study in Africa? What do you hope to bring back? What has Aquinas been like so far?
For the first question, I have two reasons:
The first: I've always wanted to study abroad, but with expenses and how close I am with my friends and family, I was positive I couldn't study abroad for a whole semester (especially with the fact that my majors wouldn't let me qualify). My cousin currently attends Westpoint and was able to study abroad last year in Egypt. Of course this was during the riots and he had to be relocated to Morocco.
The second reason: since both of my brothers have made their names known at Aquinas, I had to make my mark somehow. I'm part of the first group of students from Aquinas College traveling to Africa. My input is vital since I will be providing feedback for future trips. I want to make a difference (I know, I'm using Aquinas' slogan, but it totally applies!)
For the second question, I hope to bring back more of an understanding of developing countries. I'm not sure what to expect exactly, but I'm keeping an open mind (as well as a charged camera battery to document my trip!)
And the last question, well, I'll save that for another day. It's almost time for Africa!