Tuesday, April 17, 2012

For those grumpy gills about there....

As mentioned earlier this week, I just got back from my bike retreat. Honestly, everything and anything that could go wrong pretty much did. Rain came, I found a hole in my water bottle, lost one of my keys on my keyboard, and a rosary I hung in a tree for good weather was stolen :(

And to top it all off, I have numerous papers and projects, not to mentioned preparing for Africa and helping out with the production of Isle of Marvels. You can tell it's the end of the semester at Aquinas College. Tempers are short, no one has time to hang out, you name it. Everyone is acting, as Dory from Finding Nemo would put it, like Grumpy Gills.
One of my projects that I'm working on a major presentation for my marketing class about Pixar. There are times when I just want to throw everything into the closest fireplace, but I remember one of Dory's quote from Finding Nemo: Just Keep Swimming.

Yeah it's gonna be a crazy couple of weeks that have already started off terribly. But God knows I will build myself stronger and learn from this experience as long as I reach the finish line. I know everyone right now is complaining about how busy they are, but in the wise words of one of my friends who heard this from an 8th grader: cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

Mackinac Bridge, my literal bridge since I hate heights and driving over bridges
No matter how tough life is, it goes on. You need to be willing to move on with it. Honestly, God has faith in you, sometimes you wonder if he has too much faith in you. But everything happens for a reason, and you wouldn't be where you are today without him. We tend to be our own worst critics and enemies. We also tend to judge poorly on how many things we can do at once and try to please everyone.
Just remember three things for these hectic weeks until the end of the semester:
1) God doesn't expection perfection
2) Don't take out your problems on others
3) C's get the degrees