Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's better to give than receive

Some great highlights of my day so far: my Accounting class was cancelled this afternoon! That never happens, so as you can imagine I was quite happy finding this out. I got my Humanities Exam back and scored a solid 90%! I went shopping with my friend Rachel to buy longer clothes for Malawi and found numerous cute, usuable items such as dresses, skirts, etc. we plan to wear in Malawi and after our trip as well. I'm also the new Public Relations Manager for the Sports Management Club at my school, as well as going into my second year as Treasurer of Bravo!, my school's theater club.

So guess who finally got the required shots for Africa? As scared as I am of needles, I was surprisingly brave (compared to the screaming little boy in the next room) and extremely glad I got them done with. I had to remember that no matter how bad it hurts, I couldn't scream anything vulgar like I usually do when I'm in pain. Let me tell you, if you ever have to get a shot for yellow fever, it hurts like none other. I also got a shot to prevent pneumonia which is good apparently until I'm 65. Luckily I have a pill I need to take for typhoid, so I only had two needles I had to deal with today.
I'm still plugging strong for my paper about philanthropy. I keep refering back to The Gift of All video I posted earlier this week. I finally finished watching it and I'm planning on taking notes tonight on it so that I can post my highlights/opinions on it soon.
One of the interviewees brought up a good point from the Bible I wanted to share: it's better to give than receive. As nice as it is to receive a gift, sometimes the feeling of giving a gift is just as, if not more, rewarding.

Acts 20:35 ~ I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

I've realized that I've had some good luck in the past few days, but I want to spread my good luck while I still actually have it. I also want to share my talents and put them to use that would benefit more than just myself, and I feel that I will be able to do this while I'm in Africa as well as helping out in different clubs.