Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Heather has you covered


Day 2 of training. I'm use to getting up early, and I don't mind it now. But I never realized how much of a difference it is waking up for work at 8:00 am compared to waking up for class at 8:00 am. Let me just say right now that our Director of Campus Life, Heather Hall, is phenomenal. No matter what, she has you covered.

@matthewjesnek: Icebreakers!!!!! #newAQ12 http://pic.twitter.com/ImEevcnD

Now it wouldn't be Orientation without Icebreakers. We get to work with the RAs, and this exercise is "The Web".  Once everyone has part of the string, you pull it tight to show how dedicated you are and how we operate as one team. If one person slacks, we all suffer. 

@jnnfrklchk: there is a direct correlation between academic success and bringing your stuff to class #newAQ12

One of our Dean of Students gave a presentation about our common read, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". Each year the freshman get a book that is to be read during the summer and will be used as reference throughout their first year at Aquinas.

@jrw003: T-shirt bundle... woo woo! #newAQ12 http://pic.twitter.com/wT4Iw2zm

 Again, it wouldn't be Orientation without free t-shirts! I love the purple shirt!

Some things have changed on campus, and what better way to know about them by having a scavenger hunt across campus! Well that didn't exactly work out the way it was planned, but it's the thought that counts. And most groups had fun with it! We also played Jeopardy and learned who our Orientees would be for the week. 

@SaraBouwkamp: Great day of OL training

