Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The best Brian?


Well, guess who slept past their alarm?

On the plus side, it wasn't by much. I managed to get to training in enough time to eat breakfast. I was a bit flustered this morning and the free coffee was much needed, as well as more ice breakers.

@SaraBouwkamp: Ninja ice breakers #newAQ12 http://pic.twitter.com/8pIUrimy

I love this game! Basically you get in a circle and you have to hit the other person's hand with only one movement per turn. I was the winner in my group, which makes total sense since my birthday is December 5th, the Day of the Ninja.

@jrw003: Tuesday faces!

Can't believe it's Tuesday already! Not only does this mean we get our Orientees on Thursday, but some of them will move in tonight. Crazy! 

@matthewjesnek: AQ zero waste policy is a go!! Not only trash/recyclables/composting, but also student and faculty's talent/knowledge/ideas!! #newAQ12

We had this huge recycle/compost presentation. Aquinas has recently been recognized by Sierra Club as one of the "greenest colleges of the United States". This presentation taught us a lot about recycling, such as glass can take over 500 years to decompose! Also, Aquinas hopes to go completely waste free by 2014. Go AQ!

@skurkalicious: best Brian? @aqdean #newaq12 http://pic.twitter.com/HzHeuZ8z

One of the main themes this year is tribes. Tribes basically mean groups, as in who you identify yourself with. Each of us are suppose to come up with our tribe statements, also known as "I am a Saint". I won't tell you mine since a) it's being tweaked and b) I have to save it for Thursday. Each of us presented ours in front of the other OLs. My brother Brian (did I mention he's also a leader this year?) was the last to go, which according to him meant "they do save the best for laugh". 
Anyway, he said some basic things, such as I'm a Green Bay Packers fan, I'm a Saint, etc. The funniest thing was he said that of all the Brians' in the room, he was the best. He was referring to the OTHER Dean of Students, whose name happened to be Brian. It was perfect comedic timing on his part, and coming from my brother who is usually very quiet, well, based on the picture above, no one could stop laughing! It's safe to say that my brothers and I will make lasting impressions at Aquinas when we leave.

@jnnfrklchk: awkwardly waiting for freshman to move in #newAQ12
@jrw003: Waiting for the last 2 first-years to move into Regina.....we have resorted to cheering at innocent people walking by. #newAQ12 #theyhateus
It was now time for us to move in some of our Orientees. Now, OLs and RAs are suppose to have a lot of energy, enough to the point where it's very obnoxious. This is my favorite part! As soon as a freshman and their family pulled in to be moved, we swarmed their car to unload all of their stuff! And afterwards at dinner, when a freshman and their family entered the building, we started cheering for them like they were the Royal Family. Well we did give them the Royal Treatment that night, I guess that's one of the perks of going to Aquinas!

