Friday, August 3, 2012

What I've Learned at Roman Wheel

Today is my last day at work! Who would've thought the idea of being unemployed would sound so good right now?

I've been working at Roman Wheel for four years, and I first started when I was 16. It has been through many changes in the past 5 years, and even though there were many days where I wanted to tear my hair out, I have learned quite a bit from this place. I won't miss working here though! But I will take away some useful tips and advice for future jobs:
1) People are weird: Roman Wheel gets a variety of visitors, from both near and far. Some like different pizza toppings, some are picky, and some are just plain bizarre. And that goes for co-workers as well. I love who I work with, but some of the things they do, I've just learned not to question things anymore.....
2) Don't knock it until you try it: I'm not a picky eater, but I use to hate most of the food I eat now. Each year at work, I try to pick a new food item I've never really liked before and try to acquire a taste. I've learned to like tomatoes, ranch, and spinach. However, there are some things I will NEVER, EVER like, such as olives or anchovies, yuck!
3) Safety first: I have WAY too many unnecessary scars and burn marks from working here.
4) Manners will get you far in life: If you're polite, it lessens the likelihood of being misunderstood. Especially when on the phone! Nothing sounds weirder or more confusing than hearing your own echo on the other line.
5) Pick your battles wisely: Not every fight is worth winning. Sometimes it's better to just forgive and forget, or just plain ignore.
6) Learn to take your own advice: This is the hardest one for me that I have yet to master. I've had many coworkers come to me for advice, and yet when I'm in the same situation I don't follow my own advice. Trust your gut. And if you can't trust your own advice, don't give it out.
7) You'll never be happier getting loose change: Self-explanatory, since I work at a job that includes getting tips!

I do have one more thing I learned, but that idea will be for another day!

