Friday, August 10, 2012


It's been exactly one week since I've been unemployed, and I've never been happier! In addition to having my brother visit and being done with summer school, I'm getting ready to move to Grand Rapids for the school year.
I have a lot of good memories to look forward to, but sometimes, those aren't the memories you tend to remember. The bad memories are the ones that tend to stick with me.
Working at Roman Wheel is a perfect example. Being there for four years, I only remembered what I hated about working there: the food, the customers, etc. Honestly, looking back on my time there, it really wasn't all bad (of course I'll never work there again).
I found this idea on Pinterest. Whenever something good happens to you or you hear a great quote, you write it down and put it in the jar. Then, on New Year's Eve, you read about all the great things that happened to you that year!
I'm definitely going to do this from now. This will help me remember how good my life is, and how bad days shouldn't affect my outlook on life.