Friday, August 17, 2012

We are 'drama'

 I have some exciting news! I will be a contributor for be.loved blog! This blog is for women who love Jesus and share how they're inspired by him everyday. I'm excited to share with you my posts and be a contributor to this blog. It's currently under renovations, but it will re-launch on August 21st, so mark your calendars. One of their new colaborators is FMFM, For My Future Mr.

I wanted to share this post today from over at For My Future Mr.

This sounds a lot like something I would post. I'm not afraid to say I do suppress my emotions at times to avoid drama. But sometimes, that doesn't always work out in my favor, and my emotions tend to come out at the wrong time.

A lot of these problems arise from one thing: lack of communication skills. As a communication major, communicating is what I do. However, what most people don't realize is that no matter what we say or do, we are always communicating. You can't NOT communicate. This was one of the first lessons I learned in my Intro. to Communication class, our professor had us do this exercise where we weren't allowed to communicate to him. Some chose to look at the wall, some looked at their phone, I looked down at my lap and closed my eyes. It was then I realized, "it looks like I'm taking a nap, and I'm still communicating!"

I hope you have the time to read it and find it as interesting as I did!

P.S. I will keep you updated about my adventures working with be.loved. :)

